15 April 2024

Table: Grassland Encounters (Build Your Own Space Opera Table)

In a space opera, there are least 12 possible things the protagonists may encounter as they explore the grasslands of another planet. This is the fifteenth table of the Build Your Own Space Opera Table.

Grassland Encounters

Roll 1d12

1. An aggrosaur.
2. A band of bandits on hover trikes.
3. A berserk agrirobot.
4. A crashed rocketship.
5. A fugitive rebel scientist caught in a pit.
6. A giant terrotrilobite.
7. A group of inviso-cheetahs.
8. A herd of armored thunderbison.
9. A herd of horned zebrons.
10. A swarm of giant radar-locusts.
11. A two-headed psyclops.
12. A royal hunting party consisting of six warriors, a high-ranking victim of unrequited love, and a haughty royal personage.

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