20 April 2024

Table: City Encounters (Build Your Own Space Opera Table)

In a space opera, there are least 12 possible persons (sample names included) the protagonists may encounter as they explore the cities of another planet. This is the twentieth table of the Build Your Own Space Opera Table.

City Encounters

Roll 1d12

1. An assassin (named Killo).
2. A common criminal (named Thefto).
3. A doctor (named Medo).
4. A guard (named Protec).
5. A laborer (named Kog).
6. A robot (named M.E.C.H.A.N.O.).
7. A scientist (named Invento).
8. An undercover rebel leader (named Sparto).
9. An undercover rebel scientist (named Eino).
10. An undercover secret police officer (named Susso).
11. A visiting dignitary (named Xeno).
12. A royal outing consisting of two armed guards, a high-ranking victim of unrequited love, and a haughty royal personage.

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