19 August 2021

Savage Worlds Thought of the Day 2021-08-19

A scene from the animated cartoon Thundarr the Barbarian depicting Princess Ariel at the controls of a vehicle with Ookla the Mok and Thundarr the Barbarian seated behind her.

Thundarr the Barbarian, the 1980 Saturday morning cartoon about a post-apocalyptic Earth in the year 3994, "a world of savagery, super-science, and sorcery," would be a perfect setting for Savage Worlds. True, it has been unofficially adapted to other role-playing systems or used as an inspiration (e.g. Crawling Under a Broken Moon for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, The World of Thundarr the Barbarian for Mutant Future, Under the Broken Moon via Over the Edge, et al), and those are fine, but I think Savage Worlds is very suitable for the setting, too. If it hasn't been done, I might take a stab at it myself.

I should mention here that the complete Thundarr the Barbarian is available from Warner Archives (and wherever Warner Archives products are sold) in both DVD and newly restored Blu-ray formats. Personally, I consider it to be the greatest Saturday morning cartoon of the 1980s, and it just happened to coincide with my entry into the role-playing hobby. It's a perfect embodiment of post-apocalyptic science fantasy.


14 August 2021

Let Loose the Lists of Mongo

If you will observe above, there is a new tab called Lists of Mongo. This is where I will be compiling lists of Flash Gordon data for reference purposes. All lists will be presented both alphabetically and chronologically, with the date of first appearance included with each entry. All of the lists, at least initially, will be works in progress. It will be slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

For the moment, I am concentrating on the very first Flash Gordon source material, the Sunday comic strips that began in 1934. The first lists to be posted here are Beasts of Mongo (Alphabetical) and Beasts of Mongo (Chronological).

Savage Worlds Thought of the Day 2025-03-20

Normally, when I introduce players to a new role-playing game, I help them make characters first. Most of the games I run are easy to learn...