20 March 2025

Savage Worlds Thought of the Day 2025-03-20

Normally, when I introduce players to a new role-playing game, I help them make characters first. Most of the games I run are easy to learn or mostly familiar in concept to my players, but Savage Worlds is sufficiently different from what they have previously experienced that it might be wise to give them pregenerated characters for their first foray into worlds of a savage nature. It would be very handy to have copies of the SWADE Player's Book I could distribute (and I'll buy some when finances permit), but even so, I would prefer not to give them too daunting a reading assignment before they play, and most of my players like to dive in and learn as they go. So, pregens it will be. Once they start making their own characters (and levelling them up), though, I really need to get those Player's Books. I can't have players fighting over my rule book!

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Savage Worlds Thought of the Day 2025-03-20

Normally, when I introduce players to a new role-playing game, I help them make characters first. Most of the games I run are easy to learn...