07 January 2024

Flash Gordon's 90th Anniversary

First Flash Gordon comic strip.

Happy Flash Gordon Day!

On this day in 1934, the first Flash Gordon comic strip was published in newspapers. Created by artist Alex Raymond, its influence on comic art and, indeed, on science fiction across all media, is incalculable. Today, we celebrate 90 Earth years of Flash Gordon.

Long live Flash!

01 January 2024

Flash Gordon Holidays

It is the First of January, which is the perfect day to consider what days ought to be considered Flash Gordon holidays as it gives us time to celebrate them this year. There are three obvious choices. All of them will henceforth be known as Flash Gordon Day as far as Savage Arts & Sciences is concerned, but each will have an appendage to their moniker if greater specificity is required. The Flash Gordon Days are:

  • January the 7th: Flash Gordon (Comic Strip) Day
  • April the 6th: Flash Gordon (Serial) Day
  • December the 5th: Flash Gordon (Film) Day

The first Flash Gordon Day commemorates the publication date of the first Flash Gordon comic strip on 7 January 1934. The second commemorates the premiere of the first Flash Gordon serial (starring Larry "Buster" Crabbe) on 6 April 1936. The third commemorates the premiere of the first feature-length Flash Gordon movie (starring Sam J. Jones) on 5 December 1980.

Eventually, other days may be deemed deserving of special attention, but I think these three Flash Gordon Days are a good start.

Savage Worlds Thought of the Day 2025-03-20

Normally, when I introduce players to a new role-playing game, I help them make characters first. Most of the games I run are easy to learn...