26 April 2023

Flash Gordon Actual Play Video

Unbeknownst to me until a few seconds ago, there was a Savage World of Flash Gordon actual play video uploaded to YouTube courtesy of Saving Throw back in January 2018. Hosted by the game's creator, Scott Woodard, it features Allisyn Ashley Arm (now Allisyn Snyder), Dylan Riley Snyder, Jennifer Kretchner, and Jordan Caves-Callarman. (Allisyn Snyder, incidentally, played my favorite character on A.P. Bio, which can be seen on the Peacock streaming service.) As I only just became aware of this, I'll have to comment at a later date, but I expect it will be entertaining and elucidating.

Happy actual play-viewing!

Savage Worlds Thought of the Day 2025-02-19

My copy of the SWADE Science Fiction Companion arrived yesterday. I have had the PDF since August of last year ( q.v. ), but I resisted t...