The airing of the Flash Gordon animated series of 1979-1980 was accompanied by a line of action figures and two compatible vehicles manufactured by Mattel. Series one included Flash Gordon, Ming the Merciless, Prince Thun, and a Lizard Woman; series three included Dr. Hans Zarkov and a Beast Man; and series three included King Vultan and Captain Arak. (Notably absent were Dale Arden, Princess Aura, Prince Barin, and a Robot Soldier.) The vehicles included an inflatable Rocket Ship (with detachable plastic shuttle and weapon) and Ming's Space Shuttle (which was similar to the Rocket Ship's shuttle, but in green). A page from the Sears Wish Book of 1980 (above) was the closest I came to them as a lad, but I fantasized about owning the complete set. Had the animated series continued in the spirit of its first season, perhaps more toys would have been produced, such as Ming's ships, the electric mole, the beasts of Mongo, and the aforementioned missing characters.
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Flash Gordon's 91st Anniversary
Happy Belated Flash Gordon Day ! The 7th of January 1934 marks the birth of one of the greatest science fiction sagas ever told: Flash ...
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When the Flash Gordon television show starring Steve Holland first aired in 1954, the original Flash Gordon movie serial from 1936 starri...