17 April 2022

Lists of Mongo Update: The Dailies

I have begun reading the first of the Flash Gordon daily comic strips, and as I progress, I shall be adding to the Lists of Mongo as new subjects make their first appearance (such as the porcon, the horrosaur, and the cat-horse, all of which first appear in the dailies of May 1940).

Thinking about how I wish to organize the lists with the addition of material from another (albeit parallel) source, I originally planned to keep the Sundays and dailies in two separate lists, but I decided it would be easier for everyone if I integrated them and simply added (D) to those subjects that originated in the dailies. This prevents duplication and enables me to easily check chronology.

16 April 2022

Savage News: Fantasy Companion

The updated Fantasy Companion for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is now being crowdfunded via Pinnacle Entertainment Group's own site. You can pledge through 26 April 2022. Click on the link for details.

Flash Gordon's 91st Anniversary

Happy Belated Flash Gordon Day ! The 7th of January 1934 marks the birth of one of the greatest science fiction sagas ever told: Flash ...